Lightbulb moments thanks to the wonderful teachers at Sock Camp

A.K.A. Homer Simpson “Doh!” moments.

Camp jabberwonky schedule

One of the many things that make Sock Camp a bargain is that over 4 days, each day, we all get to take a 3 hour classe from the most bestest fantabulous people in the knitting world. People who know their stuff like cats know when you pop a tuna can. And when people this knowledgeable open their mouths to talk knitting, even their side comments are diamonds. Every year I have these moments during camp where I hear something new and working with fiber changes forever.

And then we all put on silly hats and dance the ‘Fudderwack’ and it all flies out of my head.

This time I managed to scribble notes in margins and here are a few I can still decipher:

When blocking, let your item soak AT LEAST 30 (!) minutes in order for the yarn to fully “bloom” (Anne Hanson)

If you need to frog stitches and can’t “unknit” put it down and walk away for an hour or so. I thought it was just so you don’t throw it across the room, but the stitches will “set” like hair on curlers making it easier to put the needles back. (Anne Hanson)

Anne's Swatches

The above picture shows how the same stitch pattern can look very different in various yarns. Swatching helps you “marry” the pattern to the yarn so you get the look you want. (Anne Hanson)

Sock yarn is intended to “sproing” back into the original shape vs. fingering which is intended to block out. (Both Anne Hanson and J.C. Briar mentioned this. I think they were trying to get it through our heads that you can’t knit something with sock yarn and hope it will block out in a different shape. This was quite the d’oh! moment.)

When reading a chart, the row numbers listed on the right side indicate the “right” side of the item. Numbers on the left – the “wrong” side. (J.C. Briar)

Use binder clips to temporarily join for working in the round while you check to make sure the item is not twisted. (J.C. Briar)

The great #sockcamp teacher hoop-off: hoop-pro JC Briar vs. hoop-rookie @knitspot (Anne Hanson)

Last, and perhaps most important: To properly hula hoop, you move your hips back and forward, not around and around. (Stephen – whom I have to thank for the above photo)

If you went to sock camp and have knitting helpful hint to share, and I missed it, or just forgot. Please let me know.

Author: Tricia

Craft addict, flickr lover, Librarian and Legend in her own room.