Remembering the good stuff : 2011 – Cheeky Gratitude

Sazzy's pups are partied out

Good friend Sazzy shares her wonderful pooches (Wyatt in the foreground, Lola in the back) with me and even lets me pretend they’re mine sometimes.

So this is a shout out and grateful Happy New Year wish to all of the wonderful friends and family in my life. I am sometimes overwhelmed when I think of the amount of support I’ve found through the knitting, crafting and blogging community. Online or IRL, I am so blessed to have people I can share things with, tweet about, or just goof around.

You’ve all help me explore my creativity and enjoy life. Salud! and Muchas Gracias!

Bit of a new project : Podcast on Neat Stuff on the Net

The people who frequent this space (all 2 of you – Hi Mom! and Little Bro!) know about my day job as a Research Librarian. I decided to jump in and put my research skills to use in a podcast. Since the most recent “episode” is entertainment oriented I thought I’d share it here.

Resource Brief No. 4 | National Academy Database, Art from British Museums, Harry Potter’s World

Mischief Managed: It has been a great ride Harry Potter

We’ve re-watched the dvds in preparation for the big final finale and I am excited but sad to have the ride end. Harry Potter has touched so many lives around the world.

Over at the post I wrote about a resource from the National Library of Medicine was selected to be a featured post.


You can go over to and read more about the Tradition and Science and Harry Potter